Case Study
Take a look at our Case Study and see what projects we have done for our Clients
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Client: MPEC Olsztyn
Product: STL PRO
Field: Heating substation telemetry system
Years of service: 2012 – present
Creation of a management system for the municipal heating network. As a result, it will be possible to effectively manage measuring devices based on data obtained wirelessly from a distributed measuring infrastructure. In addition, the system will process and provide information to users and control individual elements of the network.
Design and construction of telemetry devices.
Service and technical support of the system.
Our solution:
Based on the knowledge and experience of MPEC employees, we have created the automatic STL Pro system. It is designed to effectively manage the network of MPEC measuring devices based on data obtained wirelessly from the distributed measuring infrastructure. We have combined the system with NODA Artificial Intelligence, whose task is to decide on the appropriate heat flow and optimal temperature at recipients, based on data and user behavior. In addition, the entire process is monitored by information, forecasting and decision-making algorithms.
We successfully support the STL PRO system implemented in MPEC Olsztyn sp. z o. o. This is a solution based on the knowledge and experience of MPEC employees. It is designed for effective management of the MPEC measuring device network based on data obtained wirelessly from the distributed measuring infrastructure. The information is processed and made available to users in the form of a user-friendly application that allows for a quick increase in the efficiency of the network and continuous control of its individual elements.
The communication modules we design and manufacture enable completely remote collection of readings from meters, heat meters, weather controllers and other devices.
Features of the STL PRO system
- data is collected from almost 2,000 measurement points,
- the system allows you to control elements of heating substations located throughout the city,
- communication is carried out by PLUS and MINI modules equipped with GSM modems,
- the system’s user interface is the proprietary STL PRO software.
Benefits of implementing the STL PRO system
- telemetry coverage of all nodes in MPEC,
- obtaining regular time-synchronized readings,
- eliminating the need to manually read energy meters,
- accurate and timely settlement of energy recipients,
- support for managers in managing the EC network infrastructure,
- support for the work of service teams at the nodes,
- faster detection of failures or places where they may potentially occur,
- savings,
- possibility of group control of devices located in a dynamically indicated area of the PEC network,
- possibility of connecting additional control or measurement devices to the system.
Client: Click2Go Carsharing
Product: Click2Go Carsharing Poznań
Field: Carsharing
Years of service: 2018-2019
Implementation of a system for the implementation of a carsharing service in Poznań for the Click2Go brand. In addition, creation of a mobile application for sharing vehicles, allowing for finding a vehicle on a map, granting access to the vehicle and enabling payment for the ride.
Our solution:
The implementation covered over 100 vehicles, which were therefore equipped with communication modules. This made it possible to monitor vehicle parameters and remotely open and close doors.
The geographical positions of vehicles are analyzed in real time to detect the presence of vehicles in the permitted zone and entry into prohibited zones. Integration with payment systems has been implemented: Przelewy24 – for topping up the virtual piggy bank, Espago – card tokenization and automatic payments using cards.
The system consists of a GPS device, Telemetry Cloud, API, mobile user application, and service management panel.
Ferguson Smart Home 2.0
Client: Ferguson sp. z o. o.
Product: Ferguson Smart Home 2.0
Field: Smart Home
Years of service: 2017-present
The client already had a smart home system in its offer, but was looking for a more individualized product that would allow for changes and any expansion in the future.
Our solution:
The Treesat team has created both the mobile application and the Ferguson Smart Home 2.0 system firmware. Our solutions enable communication between the Smart Hub and sensors, the cloud computing and the mobile user application. We have also created the server backend for the Ferguson Smart Home system.
This makes the Ferguson smart home easy to set up, does not require cable installation, and users can monitor and control their home via the Internet.
All system data is processed in the innovative and secure Treesat cloud.
And additionally:
First of all, it was a unique project for us, the first one with Ferguson. Although we didn’t know it at the time, it was this project that made Treesat and Ferguson join forces permanently. As a result, they created a long-term and fruitful cooperation.
Kia Assist
Client: Kia Motors Polska
Product: Kia Assist
Field: Automotive
Years of Service: 2019 – Present
Preparation of a dedicated and branded GPS mobile application for Kia Polska to locate Kia cars, based on the Car Assist application model.
Requirements include real-time vehicle tracking, the ability to remotely cut off the ignition, and alerting in the event of an attempted theft.
Our solution:
In accordance with Kia Motors guidelines, we have prepared a branded application based on the Car Assistant mobile application available in our product range.
The solution we propose is a GPS module installed in a Kia car, which reads information about the vehicle and then transfers it to the Treesat computing cloud. Information from the cloud is transferred to the Kia Assist mobile application, thanks to which you can read selected parameters about the vehicle and use it to perform actions, such as remotely blocking the vehicle’s ignition.
The application for Kia Polska includes the following functions:
- Alarm about car towing without authorization
- Alarm about starting the engine without authorization
- Sabotage alarm (battery disconnection)
- Vehicle location monitoring
- Battery voltage monitoring
- Notification of an accident sent to designated persons
- Remotely cut off the ignition in the car from the application
- Parental control, speed limit alerts
- Possibility of integration with a car alarm
- Access to vehicle position
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